CRDNASE’s agricultural experts provided a chicken breeding training for the villagers in Rokabus Village and Prah Put Village, Kamrieng District, Battambang Province on 23 October 2019.
In the training course, villagers learned how to make EM from natural local herbal medicines in Cambodia to protect from diseases as well as treatment of diseases for poultry in practice.
One of our beneficiaries from the project for improving the livelihoods of the disabled people’s households in landmine contaminated areas in Cambodia, Mr. Mey Song, a landmine survivor, taught his experiences on chicken raising.
Participants of the training made EM by themselves for using by themselves. EM has enormous advantages, using for not only for chicken breeding but also the other livestock and even vegetables and fruits growing.
More than 10 kinds of herbal medicine in Cambodia were mixed and fermented.
Some of these herbal plants are rare and difficult to find nowadays, even though they were grown and found everywhere in this district when the tropical forest covered before the civil conflict ended.
Agricultural experts explained on how to use EM, and how to treat chickens when they got diseases.

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